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Main objects of Aquaculture/ Fish farming company

HomeMain objects of Aquaculture/ Fish farming company

  1. To carry on the business in prawn culture either by developing ponds or by catching prawn in sea waters.
  2. To buy, sell, barter, import or otherwise deal whether as wholesalers or retailers or as exporters or importers or as principals or agents or brokers or otherwise to catch fish and procure sea foods and preserve, smoke, cure, freeze, prepare or process or otherwise to deal in all sorts of fresh, chilled, dried, salted, inbrine or frozen sea foods, fish meals, fish products, vegetables, and to manufacture or procure any substances or articles wholly or partially from fish or sea foods for human or animal consumption.
  3. To carry on the business of keepers, warehousemen and transporters of fish, sea foods, processed fish and sea foods, vegetables, fruits, meat, eggs, poultry and foods of every description.
  4. To purchase, sell, lease, exchange, hire or otherwise acquire, deal, operate, equip and use trawlers, vessels, plants, apparatuses, equipments and articles for catching, procuring, processing, preserving, packing, bottling, canning and extracting fish, fish products, sea foods of all kinds.
  5. To manufacture, purchase and otherwise deal in all kinds of fishing, farming, gardening and canning equipments, implements, tools, stores, accessories, requisites, chemicals, feeds, manures, preservatives, protective and things required for the purpose of fishing, farming and canning business.