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Main objects of Industrial cloth company

HomeMain objects of Industrial cloth company
  1. To carry on the business of ginning, pressing, spinning, combing, cleaning, preparing, packing, weaving, manufacturing, bleaching, dyeing, colouring, printing and importing, exporting, selling, buying and otherwise dealing in cotton, yarns, linen, cloths, fabrics, jute, wool, silk, flax, hemp and other staples, fibre materials, whether synthetic, artificial or natural, textile substitutes for all or any of them and to treat and utilise any waste arising from any such manufacture, production or process whether carried on by the company or otherwise.
  2. To purchase or otherwise acquire lands, or to accept leases or assignments of leases and on such lands or any of them to build or erect mills, buildings, gins, presses, factories, machine houses, godowns, ware houses, out houses, works, wells, tanks and other buildings, structures and erections and works of any kind whatsoever and to purchase, erect and set up engines, boilers, machinery plants and other fixtures and things of any kind whatsoever suitable, useful or necessary for a spinning and weaving mill and businesses and works incidental thereat or connected therewith or falling within any of the objects of the company.