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Corporate Identification Number (CIN)

HomeBusinessCorporate Identification Number (CIN)
  • Corporate Identification Number CIN
Corporate Identification Number (CIN)

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CIN Number of Corporate Identity Number is a unique 21 digit alpha-numeric number given to all Private Limited Company, One Person Company, Limited Company, Section 8 Company, Nidhi Company and Producer Company registered in India. CIN number is used to track all aspects of the company from incorporation by the Registrar of Companies and must be quoted on all transactions with the Registrar of Companies. In this article, we look at meaning and structuring of CIN Number.

Decoding CIN Number

Listing Status

The first letter of the CIN Number represents the listing status of the company (Listing means securities/shares of a company are listed with any Recognized Stock Exchange). Unlisted companies start with U and listed companies start with L.

Industry Code

The next five digits represent the ROC industry code. Different activities have different 5 digit codes and it is used to classify the type of company being registered.

Some examples of ROC industry  codes used in CIN Numbers are as follows:

  • Hospitals: 85110
  • General higher education in science, commerce and humanity: 80301
  • Production, supply and documentation of ready-made (non-customized) software: 72211
  • Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis: 70200
  • Activities of travel agencies and tour operators; tourist assistance activities: 63040
  • Freight transport by motor vehicles: 60231
  • Retail sale of construction materials: 52341
  • Farming of cattle , sheep, goats, horses, asses, mules and hinnies; dairy farming: 01211
  • Manufacture of mineral water: 15543
  • Manufacture of all types of textile garments and clothing accessories: 18101
  • Manufacture of electric motors : universal AC/DC motors and DC motors or generators: 31103

State Code

The characters in the 7th and 8th place of the CIN number represent the state of incorporation. A company registered in Madhya Pradesh would have the characters MP, while a company having registered office in Delhi would have DL in the CIN number.

Incorporation Year

The number is the 9th to 12th place of the CIN number represent the year of incorporation. Based on the company incorporation date, the CIN number would change.

Ownership Type

The three characters after the incorporation year represent the ownership type of the company. For instance, PTC stands for Private Limited Company and PLC stands for Public Limited Company.

Registration Number

The last six number of the CIN number is the registration number of the company issued by the Registrar of Companies.

Basically, CIN is a Unique Identification Number of a Company. It helps in identifying a Corporate Identity and searching details about a corporate entity on the website of ROC i.e.

 You may contact us to know more about CIN.

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  • AK Jillani Reply

    I am a retired bank official now on my own working independently as a consultant dealing with matters supported by papers, records.etc. I have provided my contact number as wel email id. A client of mine approached me to get CORPORATE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (CIN) . I shall be glad to know the formalities to be completed to obtain the same.

    April 20, 2018 at 10:11 am
    • Rajat Khaneja Reply

      Sure, our executives will call you and discuss. Keep visiting our website to understand financial and legal matters related to corporates.

      April 20, 2018 at 1:28 pm

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